Acne is caused by the combination of a high sebum production and pinched off sebum canals. If the pinching off of sebum canals is eliminated, you will get NO new pimples whatsoever. Most foods contain such substances that make the skin pinch off sebum canals. And if you have a high sebum production, this will lead to acne.
How can I know whether my acne is caused by certain foods, without having to buy anything?
That is easy. All you need to do is to eliminate ALL foods that can cause acne, for about one to two weeks. During this period you will see a drastic improvement in your skin complexion and you should keep on mainting this strict 'sample diet' until your skin is totally clear, and then you have your proof. Of course you can keep on maintaining this diet forever, but that is extremely hard and also not necessary.
Once your skin is totally clean, you can either do your own experiments or you can start adding 'munch-foods' that are the least 'acne-causing' to your diet, to the extend that you want your skin to be clean. The big difference is that then YOU are in control about how clean you want your skin to be, instead of that the acne rules your life.
How can I eliminate my acne? (for free)
By consuming ONLY these foods during at least two weeks (nothing else):
* loads of well-ripened fresh fruits; as much as you want * a tomato-cucumber-avocado-chives salad covered with lots of extra virgin olive oil * some sashimi (=sushi without rice) from fish that has NOT been in the freezer, but first read this
These foods contain all required nutrients; you can check this by submitting your version of the 'Acne Sample diet' to this nutrient calculator. If you then must conclude that your diet is low in (a) certain nutrient(s), then you can upgrade your diet by consuming foods that contain very much of that specific nutrient(s). To be able to do so, check this list, which (for each nutrient) lists the foods that are the highest in those nutrients
During these two weeks you need to stick to the rules below. If you don't, you probably break out again.
The rules
1) As a woman you should consume 2 egg yolks OR maximally 50 gram fresh raw fish a day. If you are a tall man you should maximally consume 100 gram (3.5oz.) fresh raw fish OR 5 egg yolks a day. If you are a relatively short man, 60 gram (or 3 egg yolks) is the right amount. This because redundant protein can easily increase the blood-protein level, since blood protein level can fluctuate very much; from 100% (alanine) up to 900% (cystine). A too high blood protein level can elevate the protein level in the true skin, making the skin temporarily retain more water, pinching off sebum canals.
2) You should remain physically inactive for at least 1.5 hours after every time you have consumed some fresh raw fish or -egg yolk.
3) You should
always combine sugars with fats. So, when you eat dried fruits, you should eat some Brazil
nuts or macadamia nuts as well (only if shelled by hand) And if
you eat a cucumber-tomato-salad, you should eat some avocado as well. Or you
could just simply always combine sugars with cold-pressed olive oil, which
combines well with virtually anything. Olive oil, for example, can also
perfectly be added to orange juice.
5) Juices from pressed fruits (like orange juice) or from the juice extractor are perfectly fine to consume, but not shakes that you make by the use of a blender / mixer (especially when mixing / blending banana). This because the high rotation speed of the knives in the blender / mixer originates 'dirty protein'.
6) With this diet, you cannot eat only a few meals a day, but, instead, you need to eat much more often; at least something like 9 meals a day... If you don't, you will under-eat, which always has adverse effects eventually (exhaustion, loss of muscle weight, depression) The reason lays in the fact that cooked foods, wheat- and diary products always contain appetite enhancers (beta-carbolines, opioid peptides), and that the foods that are included in this diet, do not contain such substances, so that you likely ingest too little energy if you don't adapt your eating habits properly. If you have problems ingesting enough energy, you should drink more juices (pressed juices, or juices from the juice extractor) instead of whole fruits (the fiber in whole fruits inhibits your appetite)
You should be off all antibiotics during two weeks before you can start with the sample diet. This because antibiotics weaken your defense system, which can be dangerous when you are going to eat fresh raw egg yolks or fresh raw fish.
In some women however, the skin reacts not good to the oil, so please start carefully, with one part of the face first. And if that does not cause any 'sandy bumps' within a week, then you can apply it to the whole face.
Use the same low mineral water if you want to drink water.
11) The rules are there to exclude all other possible causes (except for stress of course). Breaking a rule is no disaster, but if only you break one rule during these two weeks, you need to start from day one again.
You best keep a journal during these two weeks, regarding what you eat and
the condition of your skin, so that an analysis can be made in case things are
not according to expectations. After those two weeks the results will be very clear (if you stick to the rules of course), and you will be 100% sure that the diet works for you too.
YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! View questions and answers about this 'sample diet'. Some testimonies have got lost, but you can view the remaining (retrieved) ones here |