39. Maintaining This diet




Maybe you are thinking: "2 kg. / 4.4 lbs.?", "I can't eat 'that much fruit!"

But 2 kg. / 4.4 lbs. is not that much at all: an avocado, a banana, a

tomato-cucumber salad and 1 liter / quart fruit shake (from different fruits), or 2 quarts of fruit shake easily does the trick. And if the fruits are well ripened you can easily consume more.

The first week of this diet is not that difficult because you are determined to get rid of your cellulite, and prepared to do whatever it takes. Maintaining this diet will probably be the hardest in the second week. By then your strongest determination 'has been consumed', and your junkie receptors are confronting you with all those tempting flavors.

How do you make it through that second week?

By consistently allowing yourself 2 munch-food items a day. These selected munch-food items should not be chosen because of their

nutritional value, but to the extent they satisfy your cravings. Cream cheese and chocolate, for example, are probably far more satisfying (therefore effective) than vegetable soup. Just make very, very sure that your daily munch-food never contains more than 15 grams / ½ oz. of protein in total. (See part C)

After you have made it through the third week, your body has made the connection between feeling better and all the fruits, sashimi, etc. you've been eating. This will make you a little bit less susceptible to the addictive substances in prepared food.

Once you see genuine improvement of the cellulite or acne, your morale will be boosted tremendously.




And what if I really feel hungry?


Do the fruit-test: If your body needs energy, it loves to eat fruit, for that provides quick energy and is easy to digest. If you are 'hungry', but a banana, an avocado, apple, or a nice mix of blended fruits or a few bites of the salad doesn't appeal to you – then lack of energy is not the problem. It is the junkie in you that wants to have food that contains physically addictive beta-carbolines (as found in all prepared foods) and / or opioid peptides (in wheat and dairy products). (See Part 4 for more info on this subject.)

Those delicious flavors that constantly tempt you are actually carrying with them the promise of those addictive substances. They activate your digestive system by initiating the secretion of enzymes, which make your stomach rumble: hunger!!! But this hunger is not really hunger. These are cravings. You need to learn the differences between cravings and the need for energy to be able to maintain this diet; if you do not want the fruit, you do not need energy. But make sure that you always have in your house plenty of different ripe fruits from which to choose - and not just some apples, sour oranges and unripe bananas. Women, in particular, tend to eat anything rather than unripe fruits. The fruits need to be excellent in ripeness and taste, so that you never eat too lightly.

It is very important to make a big bowl of salad every day, covered with lots of olive oil, and to take a few bites of it (or some Brazil nuts) after every time you have eaten some fruit/juices. The fat from the salad stabilizes the blood sugar level, which prevents cravings.


Once you have determined that, in fact, it's hunger, start eating more fruits / salad immediately (including avocado, raw nuts etc.).

Remember that if you do not feel like eating ripe fruits, salad or fresh raw animal food, it is a sure thing that the 'hunger' you are experiencing is nothing but cravings. If it is real hunger, then the choice is up to you - whether to consume a munch-food item right now, or to eat more fruits first and save the munch-food for later. 

Once you have consumed munch-food containing up to 15 gram / ½ oz. protein, you cannot eat any more munch-food that day. If you do not stick to these rules, your cellulite or acne will not go/stay away.




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© Copyright 2001 - 2002 Artists Cooperative Groove Union U.A. Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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ISBN 90-806424-1-X

Supported by WaiSays.com